Solar cover and solar panels - an unbeatable combination
Solar cover prevents sunlight from entering the water, prevents algae formation and reduces odour pollution.
Finnchain is best known for its scraper systems. They are the best in the world. We are proud to say so. Through innovation and product development, we have built a product family that is trusted in water and wastewater plants and water-using process industries.
But we can do much more. A great product, for example, is the solar cover, which blocks sunlight from entering the water. Cover modules minimize algae growth.
"Particularly if the treatment plant is located near a residential area, there may be a need to cover the equipment to reduce odour pollution. Covering the tank also helps to make the process run more smoothly," says Juhani Ala-Myöntäjä, Sales Manager.
Solar cover modules can be equipped with solar panels. For example, the 90 solar panels in Huittinen, Finland, produce around 18 megawatt hours of electricity per year. In Halmstad, Sweden, solar-covered tanks produce even more green electricity: around 41 megawatt-hours per year.
It can be said that in such cases the whole system produces many times more electricity than it needs, as our scrapers are powered by a small electric motor (0.18-0.55 kilowatts).
"Environmental issues and sustainability are now rightly on the minds of our customers. We expect the demand for solar roofs to grow in the future. There is hardly a comparable product on the market that combines roofing and panels," says Ala-Myöntäjä.